WSIB and Non-WSIB Incidents
A Work Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) claim must be made when the incident is a physical injury (e.g., needle stick, fainting, slipping, exposure, etc.). This requires documents to be completed by the student, the clinical instructor/preceptor and the placement organization’s occupational health department. Within 48 hours of the injury, the clinical instructor/preceptor and student complete the University of Toronto Students on Unpaid Work Placements Accident Report, Postsecondary Student Unpaid Work Placement Workplace Insurance Claim, and Letter of Authorization to Represent Employer forms (please refer to the WSIB Responsibility Matrix on page 2). These three forms can be found on the Faculty’s website at: This online form will be used to help track WSIB injuries and to ensure required documentation has been submitted.
We recognize that other types of incidents aside from physical injuries may occur during a clinical placement. For non-WSIB incidents (e.g., medication errors, bullying, etc.), the purpose of collecting this data is to help the Faculty be better informed about some of the challenges our students face while completing their placements. Students, faculty, clinical instructors, and preceptors can provide us with descriptions of these challenges so that students receive appropriate support and follow-up.